
Shares and dividends


Number of outstanding ordinary shares (without nominal value)  19,430,463,305
 Number of shares - Historical figures


Strong and increasing cash dividend distribution over the course of the 2014-2017 Business Plan: 1.2bn euro paid for 2014, 2.4bn euro paid for 2015, 3bn euro paid for 2016 and 3.4bn euro paid for 2017. In the 2018-2021 Business Plan, commitment to paying out 85% of net income as cash dividends for 2018, 80% for 2019, 75% for 2020 and 70% for 2021: 3.4bn euro of dividends paid for 2018 and net income for the financial year 2019 allocated to reserves, in compliance with the ECB recommendation dated 27 March 2020 on dividend policy, then replaced by the recommendation dated 15 December 2020 in force till 30 September 2021.
Market Ratios - Historical figures
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