
Webecome in the network of positive thoughts

We support Dentro Tutti, a project at the service of volunteering and the third sector which is committed to spreading healthy ethical values ​​among young future citizens.    We invest in culture to accompany young people on a path of cultural, social, civic and civil growth.

Webecome and Dentro Tutti, 

Inclusion and citizenship education in digital format 

“All citizens have equal dignity" taking inspiration from article 3 of the Constitution, Gherardo Colombo, on several occasions recalls how important it is to involve, speak, explain to children the responsibility of knowing and respecting the rules. Rules are necessary because they allow everyone to be respected and continue to be important. Making civic and civil education to the younger generations means educating them to legality.

 “... the more you learn, the more you are free; the more you are free, the more you are able to choose and change, to make your life and that of others beautiful and happy ".

Gherardo Colombo – former magistrate

Inspired by all this, the Dentro Tutti project - the network of positive thoughts - promotes and shares the foundations of civic and civil education and good practices of living in society.
The idea - which took shape three years ago from a comparison between the Smemoranda network and the European Parliament's Culture Commission - is to bring together many individual and collective realities focused on positive thinking on a single digital platform.
In practice, Dentro Tutti is a large multichannel publication (paper, network and social), aimed at students and young generations, focused on the issues of citizenship and social, cultural and environmental sustainability.
It is a continuously developing wiki showcase, it looks like a library or a virtual museum with pavilions and many thematic rooms that collect specific contents on culture, work, active citizenship, environment, volunteering, inclusion etc. It is possible to access the digital rooms and freely consult the proposed contents in the form of texts, videos, images, infographics, e-books, articles, music, in-depth sites etc.
The central room is dedicated to the Italian Constitution, the basis and beacon of our democracy.

Intesa Sanpaolo enters the digital magazine Dentro Tutti, to cultivate the seed of social responsibility in young people. Webecome, our educational proposal dedicated to girls and boys, will occupy a room and bring its inclusive contents to the library, designed to deal with a positive, pluralistic and scientific approach to hardships and issues such as discrimination, bullying and cyberbullying, diversity, violence, addictions and even issues related to food and nutrition.

Together with us, other partners have joined the Dentro Tutti project; each will be able to tell its own vision of social responsibility, creating a dialectical value channel between people, between associations, to make it the network of positive thoughts.

Dentro Tutti was presented at Palazzo Marino on 18 February, with a workshop organized by the Education Department of the Municipality of Milan. Laura Galimberti, Gherardo Colombo, Silvia Costa, Gino and Michele were present. It will be active from next September and will be preceded by a tour of presentation events.

This collaboration aims to provide future citizens with the learning tools that explore the basic elements of citizenship education and is in full harmony with our vision that sees young people, civil society, social associations, volunteering and active citizenship united to build a livable, inclusive and supportive future.

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Intesa Sanpaolo for education

Here are some initiatives that we support to spread education and knowledge, guarantee the right to study and support research and businesses in the country
